2028 - 2029 Rotation Calendar

Osteopathic Medicine

QuarterMS IIIDate
SummerRotation Block 1June 7 - July 2, 2027
SummerRotation Block 2July 5 - 30, 2027
SummerRotation Block 3August 2 - 27, 2027
FallRotation Block 4August 30 - September 24, 2027
FallRotation Block 5September 27 - October 22, 2027
FallRotation Block 6October 25 - November 19, 2027
WinterRotation Block 7 November 22 - December 17, 2027
WinterVacationDecember 20, 2027 - January 4, 2028
WinterRotation Block 8  January 4 - 28, 2028
WinterRotation Block 9January 31 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation Block 10February 28  - March 24, 2028
SpringRotation Block 11March 27 - April 21, 2028
SpringRotation Block 12April 24 - May 19, 2028
 Memorial DayMay 29, 2028
QuarterMS IVDate
SummerRotation Block 1June 7 - July 2, 2027
SummerRotation Block 2July 5 - 30, 2027
SummerRotation Block 3August 2 - 27, 2027
FallRotation Block 4August 30 - September 24, 2027
FallRotation Block 5September 27 - October 22, 2027
FallRotation Block 6October 25 - November 19, 2027
WinterRotation Block 7November 22 - December 17, 2027
WinterVacationDecember 20, 2027 - January 3, 2028
WinterRotation Block 8 January 4 - 28, 2028
WinterRotation Block 9January 31 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation Block 10February 28  - March 24, 2028
SpringRotation Block 11March 27 - April 21, 2028
SpringRotation Block 12April 24 - May 19, 2028
 Senior WeekMay 22 - 26, 2028
 Memorial DayMay 29, 2028


QuarterPS IIDate
SummerRotation Block 1June 1 - 25, 2027
SummerRotation Block 2June 28 - July 23, 2027
 Independence Day * No Rotations*July 5, 2027
SummerRotation Block 3July 26 - August 20, 2027
SummerSummer BreakAugust 23 - 27, 2027
QuarterPS IIIDate
 Break WeekAugust 9 - 13, 2027
FallRotation 1August 16 - September 24, 2027
 Labor Day *No Rotations*September 6, 2027
FallRotation 2September 27 - November 5, 2027
WinterRotation 3November 8 - December 17, 2027
 Thanksgiving BreakNovember 25 - 26, 2027
 Holiday BreakDecember 20, 2027 - January 7, 2028
WinterRotation 4January 10 - February 18, 2028
 Martin Luther King Jr. Day * No Rotations*January 17, 2028
SpringRotation 5February 22 - March 31, 2028
SpringRotation 6April 3 - May 12, 2028

Physician Assistant

QuarterPA IIDate
SummerRotation 1May 24 - July 1, 2027
SummerRotation 2July 6 - August 10, 2027
SummerCAD IAugust 12 - 13, 2027
FallRotation 3August 16 - September 23, 2027
FallRotation 4September 27 - November 2, 2027
FallMYENovember 4 - 5, 2027
WinterRotation 5November 8 - December 16, 2027
 Winter BreakDecember 20, 2027 - January 2, 2028
WinterRotation 6January 3 - February 8, 2028
WinterCAD IIFebruary 10 -  11, 2028
SpringRotation 7February 14 - March 23, 2028
SpringRotation 8March 7 - May 2, 2028
SpringEYEMay 4 - 5, 2028
SpringCREWMay 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 2028
 Program CompletionMay 14, 2028

Occupational Therapy

QuarterOT (TENTATIVE)ClassDate
FallLevel I-AClass of 2029August 23 - October 29, 2027
FallLevel I-CClass of 2028August 23 - October 29, 2027 OR November 8 - 12, 2027
WinterLevel II-AClass of 2028January 3 - March 24, 2028
SpringLevel I-BClass of 2029March 6 - May 26, 2028 OR May 22 - 26, 2028
SpringLevel II-BClass of 2028April 3 - June 23, 2028

Cardiovascular Science

QuarterCVS IILocationDate
SummerClinical OrientationOn CampusMay 21, 25, 26, 2027
SummerCVSP 601ClinicalJune 7 - July 16, 2027
SummerCVSP 661OnlineJune 28 - August 6, 2027
SummerCVSP 602ClinicalJuly 19 - August 27, 2027
FallCVSP 662OnlineAugust 23 - October 29, 2027
FallCVSP 603ClinicalAugust 30 - October 8, 2027
FallCVSP 604ClinicalOctober 11 - November 19, 2027
WinterCVSP 605ClinicalNovember 22, 2027 - January 14, 2028
WinterCVSP 663OnlineNovember 29, 2027 - February 19, 2028
Winter Break  December 20, 2027 - January 4, 2028
WinterCVSP 606ClinicalJanuary 18 - February 25, 2028
SpringCVSP 607ClinicalFebruary 28 - April 7, 2028
SpringCVSP 608ClinicalApril 10 - May 19, 2028
SpringCVSP 664OnlineMarch 6 - May 12, 2028
SpringSummative Evaluation May 26, 2028


SummerRotation 1June 1 - August 13, 2027
FallRotation 2August 23 - November 5, 2027
WinterRotation 3November 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation 4March 6 - May 19, 2028
SummerRotation 5June 1 - August 14, 2028
QuarterNPAG - IIDate
SummerRotation 3June 1 - August 13, 2027
WinterRotation 1November 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation 2March 6 - May 19, 2028
SummerRotation 3June 1 - August 13, 2027
WinterRotation 1November 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation 2March 6 - May 19, 2028
QuarterNPNL - IIDate
WinterLeadership Experience INovember 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028
SpringLeadership Experience IIMarch 6 - May 19, 2028
QuarterNPDNP - IIDate
SummerPracticum IJune 1 - August 13, 2027
FallPracticum IIAugust 23 - November 24, 2027
WinterPracticum IIINovember 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028

Podiatric Medicine

QuarterPM IIIDate
FallRotation 1October 4 - 29, 2027
WinterRotation 2November 1 - 26, 2027
WinterRotation 3November 29 - December 31, 2027
 *VacationDecember 20 - 31, 2027
WinterRotation 4January 3 - 28, 2028
SpringRotation 5January 31 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation 6February 28  - March 31, 2028
SummerRotation 7April 3 - 28, 2028
SummerRotation 8May 1 - 26, 2028
QuarterPM IVDate
SummerRotation 1June 1 - 25, 2027
SummerRotation 2June 28 - July 30, 2027
SummerRotation 3August 2 - 27, 2027
FallRotation 4August 30 - October 1, 2027
FallRotation 5October 4 - October 29, 2027
FallRotation 6November 1 - 26, 2027
WinterRotation 7November 29 - December 31, 2027
WinterRotation 8January 3 - 28, 2028
WinterRotation 9January 31 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation 10February 28 - March 31, 2028
SpringRotation 11April 3 - 28, 2028
SpringRotation 12May 1 - 26, 2028

Clinical Psychology

Class Field WorkTerm
CP (Class of 2027)Internship (off campus field work only)All year (start dates for each student will vary)
CP (Class of 2028)Advanced Practicum (integrated class work and field work)Fall, winter, spring, summer quarters
CP (Class of 2029)Practicum (integrated class work and field work)Fall, winter, spring, summer quarters
CP (Class of 2029)Clerkship (integrated class work and field work)Winter, spring, quarters

Physical Therapy

QuarterPT (Class of 2030)Date
FallClinical Experience IAugust 23 - November 12, 2027
WinterClinical Experience IINovember 29, 2027 - February 18, 2028
SpringClinical Experience IIIFebruary 28 - May 19, 2028
 Program Completion DateMay 26, 2028


QuarterAZCOPT (Class of 2028)Date
SummerClinical Services XIMay 31 - August 20, 2027
FallClinical Services XIIAugust 30 - November 19, 2027
WinterClinical Services XIIINovember 29, 2027 - February 18, 2028
SpringClinical Services XIVFebruary 28 - May 19, 2028
SpringSenior WeekMay 30 - 31, 2028
QuarterVM-III (Class of 2028)Date
SpringOrientationFebruary 28 - March 3, 2028
SpringRotation 1March 6 - 17, 2028
SpringRotation 2March 20 - 31, 2028
SpringRotation 3April 3 - 14, 2028
SpringRotation 4April 17 - 28, 2028
SpringRotation 5May 1 - 5, 2028
SpringRotation 6May 15 - 26, 2028

Veterinary Medicine

QuarterVM-IV (Class of 2027)BlockDate
SummerRotation 7 June 1 - 11, 2027
SummerRotation 8 June 14 - 25, 2026
SummerRotation 9 June 28 - July 9, 2027
SummerRotation 10 July 12 - 23, 2027
SummerRotation 11 July 26 - August 6, 2027
SummerRotation 12 August 9 - 20, 2027
FallRotation 13 August 23 - September 3, 2027
FallRotation 14 September 7 - 17, 2027
FallRotation 15 September 20 - October 1, 2027
FallRotation 16 October 4 - 15, 2027
FallRotation 17 October 18 - 29, 2027
FallRotation 18 November 1 - 12, 2027
WinterRotation 19      3 Week BlockNovember 15 - December 3, 2027
WinterRotation 20 December 6 - 17, 2027
WinterRotation 21Holiday Break BlockDecember 20, 2027 - January 4, 2028
WinterRotation 22 January 4 - 14, 2028
WinterRotation 23 January 18 - February 1, 2028
WinterRotation 24 January 31 - 11, 2028
WinterRotation 25 February 14 - 25, 2028
SpringRotation 26 February 28  - March 10, 2028
SpringRotation 27 March 13 - 24, 2028
SpringRotation 28 March 27 - April 7, 2028
SpringRotation 29 April 10 - 21, 2028
SpringRotation 30 April 24 - May 5, 2028

Speech Language Pathology

QuarterSLP-II (Class of 2025)Dates
WinterRotation I (Advanced Clinical Practicum I)+*November 29, 2027 - February 25, 2028
SpringRotation II (Advanced Clinical Practicum II)*March 6 - May 19, 2028

*Rotations may be extended for one week beyond stated dates based on agreements with affiliated placement sites and/or the student's clinical needs.

+Variable 2-week break during winter quarter